
Jeyolyn Christi is a Tamil-Canadian multidisciplinary artist who explores the intersection of photography and storytelling. Her creative work is both personal and communal, stemming from the lived experiences of herself and others. Jeyolyn has a professional and educational background  in public policy and social service work. She holds a Certificate of Photography Skills from OCAD University (2019) and is a member at Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography. 

Jeyolyn’s artist book I Crossed the Ocean was released in January 2023, and is currently available for purchase. 

✉ Contact:  jeyolyn.arts[at]gmail.com 

Solo exhibitions:

Group exhibitions:

Artist Residencies

Publications & Press:

Film Screenings:

Grants & Recognition

Featured works:

Community Workshops and public events:

Memberships & Affiliations

Graciously acknowledging support from the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Arts Council.